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Native Plant Classes

My name is Lisa Wright & I need help!

Welcome to my web page!

This information is an expression of my desires and goals.

My name is LisaGay Wright and I have lived at my current address for over fifteen years. My professional background is in horticulture. The love of plants is my pride and joy. This is where I feel the beauty of my projects should be shared with everyone.

If you come visit you will have an enjoyable experience in a natural habitat environment. There are always birds, butterflies, lizards, and frogs abound. I have set my yard up to reflect my expressions within a natural living space for man, God's tiny creatures and plants.

It is a sad thought to know that we are being consumed within a city without the beauty of nature at hand. We should be able to present our personality to others by the means we know best. An artist will share his paintings, a sculptor  will place his work where it will be admired. And I as a landscape designer have chosen to share my art with the public.

However, due to some simple-minded neighborhood directors we are being squashed like a bug into submission to follow some unlawful rules and regulations. Some day our rights will be taken away just like prayer in schools.  I have the feistiness to defend my rights, to plant the kind of plants that I desire without a committee telling me what to plant and how it should be trimmed.

Please join us with this crusade in setting the rules straight. Homeowners Associations across the country have set up themselves in a self-designed government atmosphere. They create and regulate their own rules and decide for themselves how to carry them out. The real homeowner has no power to counteract their demands.

All I'm calling for here is a little slack in their regulation procedures. After all, in my particular deed restrictions I have not broken any laws. I trim my plants, they should not tell me how short or tall my special plants should be.

This is a battle that has stirred up many of concerned groups. For a Homeowners Association to place a lien on your home or even repossess your home without your consent is unconstitutional! There are new laws being put before the courts to rewrite some of these rulings. Please support me and my friends in our effort to see justice served with the homeowner in more control. Contact your legislators, let them know how you feel!

Please check out the two web sites listed below for more information
concerning Homeowners Associations.


Also a book you might enjoy, Requiem for a Lawnmower, Sally & Andy Wasowski, Taylor Publishing, 1992.

Sincerely, and Thank You!
LisaGay Wright

E-Mail Me At:    ghaskye@netzero.com
Web Page:  wrightlandscapefortexas.itgo.com
  Texas Native Landscape Consulting Service.


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